Mahasarakham Business School
043-754333 to 5645/5616


Project to exchange experiences and knowledge abroad under the Academic Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Accounting and Management Mahasarakham University and universities abroad


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      MBS welcomes students to participate in the program to exchange experiences and knowledge abroad under the Academic Cooperation Agreement. Faculty of Accounting and Management Mahasarakham University Opening for students to join the program to exchange experiences and knowledge abroad under the Academic Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Accounting and Management. Mahasarakham University and universities abroad include Guangxi Minzu University (GXMZU), People's Republic of China, UCSI UNIVERSITY, Malaysia, University of Hyogo, Japan.

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Post : 2024-03-14 13:54:07 Number of readers : 146 Announcer : ธีรศักดิ์