Mahasarakham Business School
043-754333 to 5645/5616


MBS students participate in the knowledge exchange experience program abroad under the academic cooperation agreement with Guangxi Minzu University (GXMZU), People's Republic of China.


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Faculty of Accounting and Management students Mahasarakham University Participate in the project to exchange experiences and knowledge abroad under the Academic Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Accounting and Management. Mahasarakham University and Guangxi Nationality University or Guangxi Minzu University (GXMZU), People's Republic of China. Between 5 – 16 June 2024.
The objective is to create academic and artistic and cultural cooperation between international students and teachers. It is about developing a strong body of knowledge. It creates cooperation in exchanging knowledge and experiences together. and cooperate in developing the curriculum necessary for joint development.
Project to exchange experiences and knowledge abroad under the Academic Cooperation Agreement Held between 5 - 16 June 2024, a total of 27 people participated in the project, with Professor Dr. Anupong Sukprasert and Professor Nat Thancharoen as teachers supervising students participating in the project this time.

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Post : 2024-06-13 10:57:05 Number of readers : 49 Announcer : ฝ่ายประชาสัมพันธ์