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MBS organizes a seminar and training project to develop personnel for the year 2024, part 5, training course on software, SAP Business One program.


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On June 11, 2024, personnel development work Faculty of Accounting and Management Mahasarakham University. Organize a seminar and training project to develop personnel for the year 2024, part 5, training course on software, SAP Business One program. For personnel of the Faculty of Accounting and Management and Maha Sarakham University personnel at Acc.Biz Lab Room 301, Faculty of Accountancy and Management Building. It was honored by Professor Dr. Chonticha Thamwinyu, Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Management. was the chairman who opened the project and Assistant Professor Dr. Nathanpa Nilniyom, Deputy Dean for Administration, gave a report.
Project organization This time, the objective is to provide participants with knowledge and understanding of the SAP Business One system and be able to apply it to their work. Increase work efficiency, raise the level of work to develop the organization to grow according to international standards. This project will be held from 11 – 15 June 2024.
The group was honored by a team of speakers from Saladaeng Company Limited, including:
1. Mr. Weerachai Kerdsawat
2. Mr. Chaiyot Chaiyamanon
3. Mr. Prathana Kritkatavethi
4. Mr. Waranchit Suthiprapha
5. Ms. Hathaikan Pansrikham

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Post : 2024-06-13 11:00:08 Number of readers : 64 Announcer : ฝ่ายประชาสัมพันธ์